Running a Full Node

Konstellation Mainnet Full Node Quick Start

With each version of the Konstellation Hub, the chain is restarted from a new genesis state. We are currently on darchub.

Get Mainnet Configuration files from here.

Hardware requirements

CPU: 8 core

RAM: 32 GB

DISK Storage: SSD 500 GB ~ 2 TB

Build from code

This guideline assumes that you're running Linux or MacOS with Go 1.18+.

This guide helps you to : Build, Install, and Name your Node.

Currently, latest release is v0.6.2

# Clone Konstellation from the latest release found here:
git clone -b v0.6.2
# Enter the folder Konstellation was cloned into
cd konstellation
# Compile and install Konstellation
make build
# alias binary file
# alias knstld=/your/path/to/repo/build/knstld
# Check konstellation version
knstld version

Initialize data and folders

WARNING : command unsafe-reset-all will erase your database in node directory if exists, which is $HOME/.knstld if no customs have been made. If you are already running validator, be sure to back up your priv_validator_key.json in $HOME/.knstld/config directory. Though this command won't erase the file, it has to be backed up in somewhere safe.

# Reset current node's data
knstld tendermint unsafe-reset-all --keep-addr-book

Create a key

Add new

build/knstld keys add <key_name>

Or import via mnemonic

build/knstld keys add <key_name> -i

As a result, you got

- name: <key_name>
  type: local
  address: <key_address>
  pubkey: <key_pubkey>
  mnemonic: ""
  threshold: 0
  pubkeys: []
**Important** write this mnemonic phrase in a safe place.
It is the only way to recover your account if you ever forget your password.

Genesis & Seeds

Download genesis.json

wget -O $HOME/.knstld/config/genesis.json

Download config.toml with predefined seeds and persistent peers

wget -O $HOME/.knstld/config/config.toml

Alternatively enter persistent peers to config.toml provided here

  1. Open ~/.knstld/config/config.toml with text editor. Alternatively you can use cli editor, like nano nano ~/.knstld/config/config.toml

  2. Scroll down to persistant peers in config.toml, and add the persistant peers as a comma-separated list

Setting Up a New Node

You can edit this moniker, in the ~/.knstld/config/config.toml file:

# A custom human readable name for this node
moniker = "<your_custom_moniker>"

You can edit the ~/.knstld/config/app.toml file in order to enable the anti spam mechanism and reject incoming transactions with less than the minimum gas prices:

# This is a TOML config file.
# For more information, see
##### main base config options #####
# The minimum gas prices a validator is willing to accept for processing a
# transaction. A transaction's fees must meet the minimum of any denomination
# specified in this config (e.g. 10udarc).
minimum-gas-prices = ""

Your full node has been initialized!

Run Pruning Node

Download Snapshot of previous blocks data

Install lz4 if not installed

sudo apt update
sudo apt install snapd -y
sudo snap install lz4

Check current height on polkachu and download snapshot // I think its not working right now. WIll test later

# Download snapshot until current-height
wget -O konstellation_6445823.tar.lz4[current-height].tar.lz4 --inet4-only
# Unzip snapshot and move to database directory
lz4 -c -d konstellation_6445823.tar.lz4  | tar -x -C $HOME/.knstld

Run a Full Node

# Start Konstellation
build/knstld start
# to run process in background run
screen -dmSL knstld build/knstld start
# Check your node's status with konstellation cli
build/knstld status

Wait for the konstellation block synchroniztion complete. Since this will take a lot of times and disk spaces, you may want to download snapshots.

Block 1826999

At block 1826999 chain will halt, this is the upgrade requirement block. You will get an error

INF committed state app_hash=76B4066182CB3D3E984E09CB5226FD9734F0DFB91EA25AC4CFAC326D26E8D346 height=1826999 module=state num_txs=0
ERR UPGRADE "v0.44" NEEDED at height: 1827000:
INF indexed block height=1826999 module=txindex
UPGRADE "v0.44" NEEDED at height: 1827000:

This indicates the next steps are ready and you must upgrade the chain.

Change git release branch v0.5.0

git checkout v0.5.0

Compile and install Konstellation

make build

Check konstellation version

build/knstld version Should return 0.5.0

Start Konstellation

build/knstld start

Again to run process in background run

screen -dmSL knstld build/knstld start

Block 6179999

At block 6179999 chain will halt, reason same as above.

Change git release branch v0.6.0

git checkout v0.6.0

Compile and install Konstellation

make build

Check konstellation version

build/knstld version Should return 0.6.0

Start Konstellation

build/knstld start

Again to run process in background run

screen -dmSL knstld build/knstld start

Block 6564999

At block 6564999 chain will halt, reason same as above.

Change git release branch v0.6.2

git checkout v0.6.2

Compile and install Konstellation

make build

Check konstellation version

build/knstld version Should return 0.6.2

Start Konstellation

build/knstld start

Again to run process in background run

screen -dmSL knstld build/knstld start

Last updated